If you are in a disability hate crime crisis or situation, there are many organisations you can contact for help. BuDS has compiled a list of them, and their contact details. If you want to shortcut to a specific organisation, use the menu below. For each organisation, there is contact details and, where available, their website, as well as a brief description of their work.
Help Close To Buckinghamshire
Thames Valley Police
Call 999 if:
- A serious offence is in progress or has just been committed
- Someone is in immediate danger or harm
- Property is in danger of being damaged
- A serious disruption to the public is likely
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can use the textphone service on 18000, or text 999 if you’ve pre-registered with the emergencySMS service. British Sign Language (BSL) users can use the video relay service where an interpreter will help you report the crime.
If you’re in danger but you can’t talk on the phone, you should still call 999, then follow these instructions depending on whether you’re calling from a mobile or a landline.
Call 101 for non-emergency enquiries, or text 18001 101 If you have a hearing or speech impairment.
BuDS Support & Report Service
The BuDS Support & Report Service is here to help anyone affected by disability hate crime or a disability hate incident. If you choose to report the matter to the police, the Service can support you and help you through the process. Service provided by independent disability charity Buckinghamshire Disability Service (BuDS)
Email hatecrimesupport@buds.org.uk
Call 01494 211179 (leave a voicemail and someone from the service will call you back)
Direct message BuDS on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Threads, Mastodon)
Stop Hate Bucks
This independent and confidential service is designed to help people who want to report a Hate Crime or get support. The Buckinghamshire Stop Hate Bucks service will be available from 20th July.
Call on 0800 138 1625. This is a 24 hour attended service line.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing you can contact Relay UK – text 07717 989025 (texts are charged at your standard network rate)
Email Service – talk@stophateuk.org
BSL Interpreter – Connect to Stop Hate UK’s BSL Interpreter system – http://stophateuk.signvideo.net
Web reporting – Home – Stop Hate UK
Mediation Bucks
Mediation Buckinghamshire is a well established provider of mediation services operating in Buckinghamshire and adjacent counties. It is not a crisis service.
They are a not for profit organisation that help people or organisations resolve disputes. Mediation provides a structured framework that facilitates constructive discussions, allowing those involved to reach their own solutions and agreements, rather than having these imposed on them by others.
The Victim / Offender Mediation Service is usually referred to and co-ordinated by the Youth Offending Service, or by the police. It can be used where the injured party is willing to meet the person responsible.
Call 01494 520821 or email on mediation@mediationbucks.org.uk
Victim / Offender – Mediation Bucks
National Help
Victims First
Victims First provides free emotional and practical support to all victims and witnesses of crime, as well as family members of victims. It is available across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire and can provide help regardless of whether or not the crime has been reported to the police. Any support given is tailored to your individual circumstances.
Call on 0300 1234 148, or you can get support online through their website (see below).
Opening hours
Monday and Wednesday – 9am to 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday – 9am to 7pm
Friday – 9am to 4.30pm
Samaritans are open a free phoneline available 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk. They offer both routine and crisis support.
Call 116 123 (freephone)
Victim Support
Victim Support Line offers support to anyone affected by crime. They have a specialist hate crime section, as well as a Children and Young People’s Service. This also deals with cases of bullying.
Call their free helpline on 0808 1698 111
You can also get support online here.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can get in touch using the Relay UK text service: text 18001 0113 293 5100 (texts are charged at your standard network rate)
Specialist services – Victim Support
SANE are an independent charity who raise awareness for, and provide support to, people with mental health issues. They also run a crisis helpline which is available between 4pm and 10pm, every day of the year.
Call the helpline on 0300 304 7000
The NSPCC help children deal with bullying, including hate-related bullying. They operate free helplines (one is run by Childline), and can be contacted online.
NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000
Contact Childline: 0800 1111
You can also email help@NSPCC.org.uk, or visit their contact page.