The Neurodiversity In Business Community Partner logo. It is a purple circle with a series of coloured arches around an image of a brain. The words "Neurodiversity in Business" are in the purple circle. The words "community partner" are in a blue banner across the lower portion of the circle.

BuDS Joins Neurodiversity in Business (NiB)

Buckinghamshire Disability Service (BuDS) has become a Community Partner of Neurodiversity in Business (NiB), the voluntary industry forum supporting the participation of neurodivergent individuals in the workforce.

NiB draws on the cumulative knowledge of neurodivergency experts like BuDS and leading companies to share best practices and improve the employment and experience of neurodiverse people. 

Neurodivergency is a term used to describe a range of neurological conditions including autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and Tourettes.

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