A hand wearing a purple latex medical glove, holding a syringe with the plunger extended. The syringe is held in a way suggesting it is ready for injection into someone. The image is seen against a plain grey background.

Euthanasia & Assisted Dying

BuDS has compassion for people suffering at the end of life and wants everyone to be able to experience a peaceful and dignified death. We recognise the spectrum of strong views held about the issue of ‘Assisted Dying’ or ‘Assisted Suicide’.

As a community of disabled people, BuDS strongly holds that the lives and wellbeing of disabled people are of equal value to that of non-disabled people. BuDS exists to uphold and defend the interests of disabled people. ‘Assisted Dying’ significantly affects the interests of disabled people and BuDS therefore needs to engage with the issue and have a policy position on it. 

If you would like to jump straight to our policy position, you can do so using the menu below.

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