Our Projects

In order to tackle the big issues facing disabled people, BuDS runs several innovative and volunteer-led projects. Our current projects are listed below. Click on the link to find out more.

The BuDS logo (a yellow circle with blue edging, and blue text reading 'BuDS' across the centre with two horizontal blue budding stems above and below)

About BuDS

Who we are and what we do.

The BuDS BuDDies logo (a dark blue circle with yellow edge trim, with the words 'BuDDies' across the centre above two speech bubble symbols)


Are you feeling lonely or stressed at home? Need a friendly chat with someone who understands? The BuDS BuDDies are BuDS volunteers who will call you regularly for a chat about anything you like. 

The Fair4All Card logo (a blue square with the text "Fair4All Card" in it)

Fair4All Card

The Fair4All Card is a secure photo card that helps disabled people communicate the reasonable adjustments they need to shops, services and organisations in Bucks.

The Fair4All Card Education logo (a blue square with a circle within it, with the text "Fair4All Education" and a graphic of 2 schoolbooks within it)

Fair4All Education

The Fair4All Education project was launched in 2021. It tackles the most important educational issues facing disabled children and young people, and their parents/carers, in Buckinghamshire.

The Fair4All Attitudes and Hate Crimes logo (a blue square with a yellow circle in it, with the text "Fair4All Attitudes and Hate Crime" along with a graphic of a raised hand 
in it)

Fair4All Attitudes & Hate Crimes

Disabled people are sometimes subject to abuse, insults or physical violence because of their disability. BuDS is here to confidentially support you if you are a victim of this sort of disability hate incident. If you choose to report it to the police, BuDS can also support you and help you through the process. 

Fair4All Events

BuDS is committed to making large public events more accessible and inclusive for all disabled people, and has Buckinghamshire’s only stock of accessible and inclusive children’s games and activities.

TheReach4Work logo (a blue square with the text "Reach4Work" in it)


The Reach4Work project is designed to help you reach your work goals through a volunteer role within BuDS. This could be getting working experience, learning new skills, moving a step closer to work, or helping you move from BuDS into a new job.

The Bucks Workability logo (a white square with a person assembling a 4 piece jigsaw at the top, and the text "Bucks workability fitting the pieces together" below it)


BucksWorkability is a partnership of local charities, government agencies and local authorities who work together to make employment accessible and fair for all.